Hi all, I made a while the blog for lack of time and a bit of encouragement but here retomanto the project continued by mentioning something that a couple of hours of testing and is done extremely satisfied.
Who in your life has had on their hands for a moment and / or are a lucky owner of a Linksys WRT54G Linksys brand, those teams that put up all a bit temperamental but sufficiently robust to general use.
Well after reading for a long time and have the concern of placing one of these devices as a repeater signal of any other router inanambrica all without cables, I gave myself the task of investigating and testing.
For I commented that it is possible, although some previous requiermientos, I comment everything in general and I welcome your comments.
For this process requires a WRT54G but not only that, you need a version that is less than 5 and that from this last shift to equipment design and thereby decreased ROM from 4 to 2 MB RAM similarly from 16 to 8
why we require any of the following: V1, V1.1, V2, V2.1, V2.2, V3, V3.1 or V4
Which have 16 MB RAM and ROM 4, besides the team's own system is based on Linux instead of the V5 apartir own proposal is a little odd.
So that to replace the system require a minimum version with 3MB of ROM capacity in otherwise require micro versions of systems which do not have all the features of the mini versions, std or VOIP.
Now tell them that after a long search for appropriate WRT54G a friend agreed to change his mine V2.2 and V6 is thus happily thanked in advance.
Once the router in my possession is required to download the new operating system in which elected router DD-WRT because there are many forums, documentation and manuals in multiple languages \u200b\u200bvery clear.
The procedure to bring it up is as follows:
reset the router to factory mode. (Pressing the RESET button 30 seconds)
entered the system with the IP
We authenticate either admin and pass admin or root and admin
Once this is done and only the router connected to the LAN computer equipment without internet access, administration and we will update the firmware, you should know that if first see it replaced by one that is not the original linksys use the generic mini version and then you can now use the version that suits you.
During the upgrade I strongly recommend never interrupt the power or data will not be dead if your router.
version always replaces the page that the DD-WRT is the stable the other versions Use them only after the first replacement for DD-WRT.
If all goes well after a few minutes you will have the new interface that is a whole Chulada because it allows a thousand new things like putting your router in bridge mode router from your wireless connection.
Hope you like
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