few days ago a good friend of mine told me that last hurt, it hurt to remember times when he was happy with his girlfriend (now ex). I knew what he was talking my dear fellow-sufferer. After a few minutes of silence I told him that the past is not what hurts, not the memories. I told him what hurts of the past are those errors that cause what we had before no longer have any, those Erro away from us the things we cherish. I added that one should remember with sadness the good times, we should be proud of what we did well in the past, as are personal achievements that should not be repent. He nodded and told me he was right, that will now try to be proud of those years as a couple, but that would take into account these errors to try not to make them again and learn from them. "Chavalote, that's what people call overcome" said. And we began to discuss the future.
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