Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Disconnection Service Letter


Night closed. The rain falls, the soil is wet, drop by drop my coat is heavier. My breathing is slow, the bathroom out of my mouth to merge with the air. Step by step, puddle after puddle, in the dim light of lanterns. Dark, rainy night, night to finish what begun. I've spent too much time suffering and it is time to end this. Saco keep the gun under his coat. There is no turning back. The fear has passed into history. Now my ideal rhythm to my strokes. My reason controls my steps.
My time is decided, I do not mind the rain, be cold, because I know the aim is in my head, not in my eyes. I do not need to see. I do not need ears to hear. Nor hands to touch. Are ahead, and my heart rate nor have undeterred, I walk while I raise my gun. Gets wet, but the drops do not make a dent in their function. I know from experience. They are aware of my presence, aware of the danger they face, knowing that soon will cease to breathe, and everything else does not matter, they know it's your time, know they will be punished for doing wrong, that this time is deserved for their actions, merely thinking about them freezes the blood, preventing them from reacting. The shots are accurate, one after another, my ears listen to, my eyes do not see the impact, but even so I know I've hit the mark. Fall, fall slowly, the blood, rivers and small and stunted, the water melts the asphalt. My gun smokes, 13 shots, 13 hits, a smile.

look at the sky, the drops hit my skin, sliding along the line of my features. I've been waiting for this moment for a long time. Justice has prevailed over evil. Has reached the end of slave life, has come the start of a free life. No more staring at my neck. There will be no more death or crying. Now it's over. I think of my father, my mother, my brothers. Air smells like gunpowder smell victory, smell freedom. I feel cherished moment. Rain falling, sirens sounding, river inside.
ahead and start a new life, a life free.



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